
    Joint Analyses of 90Sr and 239+240Pu in the Environmental Samples

    • 摘要: 针对气溶胶、沉降灰、土壤、生物及淡水等环境样品中90Sr、239+240Pu的联合分析进行了流程设计,并通过实际样品的测量对流程进行了验证。结果表明:90Sr分析流程的化学回收率为44.3%~90.2%,平均值为73.8%;239+240Pu分析流程的放化回收率为40.2%~104.3%,平均值为79.3%。在可给出单个样品化学(放化)回收率的前提下,该联合分析流程可以满足日常环境监测的要求。


      Abstract: A procedure for joint analyses of 90Sr and 239+240Pu in aerosol, fallout, soil, biology and freshwater samples is reported. The procedure is validated by application to real samples. According to the measurement results, chemical recoveries of 90Sr are in the range of 44.3%-90.2%, and the average is 73.8%; radiochemical recoveries of 239+240Pu are in the range of 40.2%-104.3%, and the average is 79.3%. Under the premise that each sample has its own chemical (radiochemical) recovery, the procedure can satisfy the demand of the environmental monitoring.


