
    Component Identification of a Yellow Powder Radioactive Material

    • 摘要: 通过γ谱仪核素分析、分光光度法分析、样品的高温分解验证实验和质谱测量四个步骤,验证了在核设施退役过程中,原废物库存放多年、且标识已模糊不清的黄色粉末状放射性未知物质的主要成分,从而为进一步处理这批放射性存放物的后续工作提供依据。经鉴定分析,这批未知物质的成分是重铀酸铵,样品中235U的丰度均低于0.72%,为贫化铀。


      Abstract: In the process of nuclear installation decommissioning project, the specific composition of a batch of unknown radioactive yellow powder which stored in a former waste house and had no demark, was verified by γ spectrum radionuclide analysis, spectrophotometry, high temperature decomposition verification test and mass spectrum analysis. This procedure provide reference frame for how to treat the unknown radioactive yellow powder in further process. And the conclusion is that the main ingredient of the sample is ammonium biuranate, and its 235U abundance is lower than 0.72%, it should be depleted uranium.


