
    Natural Radioactivity Level and Exhalation Rates in Main Building Materials From Xining City

    • 摘要: 采用低本底多道NaI(Tl) γ能谱仪和ERS-2-S氡钍射气析出仪对西宁市建筑主体材料中天然放射性核素比活度及氡的析出率进行测定,并按照相关标准进行评价。结果表明,除红砖、碎石和砂子外,其他建筑材料中40K的比活度均低于西宁市区土壤40K的平均值,红砖、灰渣砖、加气块和水泥中226Ra和232Th的平均比活度均高于该区域土壤中相应核素的平均值。所调查建筑材料内、外照指数均小于1,其放射性水平满足国标限量要求;部分样品的居民接受有效剂量当量率略高于最大允许限值1 mSv/a,生产加工过程中须控制工业废渣的使用。


      Abstract: The specific activities of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th and radon exhalation rates of building materials in Xining were determined by using low background multi-channel NaI(Tl) γ spectrometer and ERS-2-S radon-thoron analyzer, respectively. The results were evaluated in accordance with the relevant standard methods. The results show that the specific activities of 40K, except for red-clay brick, gravel aggregate and sand, in the building materials are lower than the mean of local soil, while the specific activities of 226Ra and 232Th in red-clay brick, ash brick, aerated block and cement exceed the corresponding means of local soil. The values of internal exposure and external exposure indexes of the analyzed building materials are lower than 1 which can be used anywhere. While, the annual effective dose equivalent rate of some red-clay and aerated block samples are slightly higher than or close to the maximum limit of 1 mSv/a suggested by the European Commission. The radon (222Rn) exhalation rate of building materials is related to the level of 226Ra specific activity.


