
    Outside Barrel Solidification Process With Cement of Mock Waste Activated Carbon After Saturated With Boron Water

    • 摘要: 核电站在运行过程中会产生含硼废水浸泡且硼饱和的废活性炭,需要对其进行固化处理。采用2.5‰(质量分数)的硼酸溶液对活性炭进行浸泡直至含硼量达到稳定来模拟实际废物源项,然后脱去硼饱和后活性炭中的游离水,并采用桶外水泥固化工艺对其进行水泥固化。结果表明,试验过程稳定可靠。另外通过试验验证可知,华龙一号新增废物源项废活性炭能够利用现有桶外水泥固化技术进行废物的处理,对硼饱和模拟废活性炭采用桶外工艺固化后,养护形成的水泥固化体按照标准GB 14569-1-2011进行游离液体、机械性能、抗水性、抗冻融性以及耐γ辐照性试验测试,结果均满足要求,且活性炭颗粒在固化体中分布均匀,未出现上浮现象,其搅拌完成以及30 min后自由流动度均大于200 mm,完全满足桶外水泥固化工艺稳定可靠的运行要求。


      Abstract: During the operation of nuclear power plant waste activated carbon saturated with boron water is produced, and it is needed to be treated by solidification process. Activated carbon is saturated with 2.5‰ concentration(mass fraction) of boron water until a steady state is achieved to get the mock waste item. After water is dissociated from the activated carbon, then the mock waste item is threated by outside barrel solidification process with cement. The test result is steady and the solidification process program is reliable, additionally by this test it is proved that the new waste source term activated carbon can be properly treated by this technology. The conserving cement solidified form is tested according to GB 14569-1-2011, and the requirements of dissociative liquid component, mechanical property, water resistance, freezing-thawing resistance, and γ radiation resistance are satisfied. Active carbon particles in the solidified form are uniformly distributed, no uprising exist, the fluidity after mixing even 30 minutes later remain larger than 200 mm, the requirement of stability and reliability of outside barrel solidification process with cement is satisfied and verified.


