
    Chemical Decontamination of Primary Loop Elbow and Verification Test in Nuclear Power Plant

    • 摘要: 为了控制个人和集体剂量水平,对系统、设备及部件进行在役化学去污可以弥补常规辐射防护措施的不足。采用铬掺杂铁氧化物溶解试验和模拟金属样腐蚀试验快速筛选出最佳化学去污工艺,在核电厂主回路弯头化学去污的实际应用中取得了去污因子为3.08、且对Z2CN18-10金属基材腐蚀深度远小于1 μm的满意效果。


      Abstract: The in-service chemical decontamination of reactor systems, equipment and components is essential for reducing individual and collective dose levels, which can compensate for the shortcomings of conventional radiation protection measures. The optimized chemical decontamination process was quickly selected by Cr-substituted magnetite oxide dissolution test and pre-oxidized film corrosion test. The decontamination factor is 3.08 in the practical application of the test in decontamination of a nuclear power plant primary loop elbow, while the corrosion depth of Z2CN18-10 base metal is much less than 1 μm.


