10 hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) component reference materials were developed. Contents(reference values) of each hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) reference materials were certified including U, Th, Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, Cr, Na
2O, CaO, FeO, Fe
3, TiO
2, P
5, CO
2, F, S. The U concentration is from 7.33 μg/g to 2583 μg/g. According to the technical norm of primary reference material (JJG 1006-1994) and the requirements of ISO guide 35, the homogeneity and stability tests for the 10 hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) reference materials were done. The results conform to the requirements. The content values of each hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) reference materials by using nine laboratory for cooperation were certified, and the certified values and uncertainty were got. The development of hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) reference materials contains uranium contents from low to high value, and also there are prospecting marks of associated elements values. It can meet the hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) in the research field of the geological prospecting demand, and effectively guarantee the metrological traceability of measurement results and quality of the accurate. At the same time it fills the domestic hydrothermal uranium ore-field(volcanic rock type) component reference materials.