241Am is one of the most toxic transuranic nuclides due to its long half-life and
α-particle emission, which needs to be surveilled in both internal individual exposure routine monitoring for workers and emergency rapid analysis. This paper aims to critically review some aspects of determination of
241Am in the urine sample. A typical radiochemical analysis procedure consists of calcium phosphate or oxalate co-precipitation, extraction chromatography with DGA or TRU resin, source preparation by electrodeposition in ammonium sulfate or oxalate or micro co-precipitation with Nd/CeF
3. Newly progress in the measurement techniques of
241Am in urine, especially the capabilities of various mass spectrometry including radioactivity measuring instruments like alpha spectrometry, liquid scintillation spectrometry and gamma spectrometry or non-radioactive measuring instruments like mass spectrometry(ICP-MS, AMS etc.) has also been mentioned in this review.