
    Progress of Tritium Chemistry and Tritium Analysis

    • 摘要: 氚是聚变堆的重要燃料,氚的问题是制约聚变能源发展的瓶颈问题之一。氚化学中的科学技术问题是解决涉氚工艺的基础,氚分析测量是氚操作中获取氚信息的主要途径。本文综述了近年来氚化学与氚分析方面的研究进展,从氚与材料相互作用、涉氚材料中的氦行为、氚的氢同位素效应、氚的辐射生物效应,以及氚的分析测量方法五个方面对研究进展进行了分析,并对聚变堆中所面临的挑战进行了展望。


      Abstract: Tritium is the fuel of fusion reactor, and the issue about tritium is one of the most critical problems to be solved in fusion energy. It’s very important to solve problems about both science and technology in tritium chemistry to support the development of tritium facility. Besides, tritium measurement is the main way to obtain the information about tritium in the facility. In this article, we reviewed the progress about tritium chemistry and tritium analysis developed recent years, and also give a prospect about it.


