
    Head-End Process of Simulated Spent Fuels by Vol-Oxidation Treatment

    • 摘要: 通过实验室制备的UO2模拟芯块,分别研究了氧化与还原气氛下,温度、气体组成和保温时间对粉化与转化过程的影响,结果显示,氧化条件为空气/450 ℃/4 h、还原条件为4%(体积分数)H2-Ar/700 ℃/4 h的三次氧化还原循环流程,对UO2模拟芯块和真实天然铀芯块均有良好的粉化效果。针对制成的包含有多种裂变元素的模拟乏燃料,在经过三次氧化还原循环流程处理的基础上,进一步结合1 200 ℃/4 h的更高温挥发技术,形成国内首个模拟后处理氧化挥发首端工艺。该工艺能够使Mo、Te、Se和Ru等半挥发性裂变元素以氧化物的形态被有效去除,去除率均达到85%以上。


      Abstract: With the UO2 simulated pellets prepared in our laboratory, the effects of temperature, gas composition and holding time on the process of pulverization and conversion were studied in the oxidation and reduction atmosphere, respectively. The results show that the UO2 simulated pellets and real natural uranium pellets both have good pulverization effect by the three cycles of oxidation on air/450 ℃/4 h and reduction on φ=4%H2-Ar/700 ℃/4 h conditions. For the treatment of the simulated spent fuel containing many fission elements, the first vol-oxidation head-end process was formed in China. Combined the three oxidation-reduction cycles process with higher temperature volatilization technology on 1 200 ℃/4 h, it can effectively remove the semi-volatile fission elements as Mo, Te, Se and Ru in the form of oxides. And the removal rates can reach more than 85%.


