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秦芝, 范芳丽, 田伟, 谈存敏, 吴晓蕾, 黄清钢, 王洁茹, 陈德胜, 曹石巍, 白静, 殷小杰, 王洋

秦芝, 范芳丽, 田伟, 谈存敏, 吴晓蕾, 黄清钢, 王洁茹, 陈德胜, 曹石巍, 白静, 殷小杰, 王洋. 加速器驱动先进核能系统的乏燃料循环再生研究[J]. 核化学与放射化学, 2022, 44(5): 489-499. DOI: 10.7538/hhx.2021.YX.2021033
引用本文: 秦芝, 范芳丽, 田伟, 谈存敏, 吴晓蕾, 黄清钢, 王洁茹, 陈德胜, 曹石巍, 白静, 殷小杰, 王洋. 加速器驱动先进核能系统的乏燃料循环再生研究[J]. 核化学与放射化学, 2022, 44(5): 489-499. DOI: 10.7538/hhx.2021.YX.2021033
QIN Zhi, FAN Fang-li, TIAN Wei, TAN Cun-min, WU Xiao-lei, HUANG Qing-gang, WANG Jie-ru, CHEN De-sheng, CAO Shi-wei, BAI Jing, YIN Xiao-jie, WANG Yang. Research on Spent Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Regeneration for Accelerator Driven Advanced Nuclear Energy System[J]. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 2022, 44(5): 489-499. DOI: 10.7538/hhx.2021.YX.2021033
Citation: QIN Zhi, FAN Fang-li, TIAN Wei, TAN Cun-min, WU Xiao-lei, HUANG Qing-gang, WANG Jie-ru, CHEN De-sheng, CAO Shi-wei, BAI Jing, YIN Xiao-jie, WANG Yang. Research on Spent Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Regeneration for Accelerator Driven Advanced Nuclear Energy System[J]. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 2022, 44(5): 489-499. DOI: 10.7538/hhx.2021.YX.2021033


Research on Spent Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Regeneration for Accelerator Driven Advanced Nuclear Energy System

  • 摘要: 乏燃料后处理是核燃料循环的关键环节,制约核电的可持续发展。借助于加速器驱动先进核能系统(ADANES)提供的高通量、硬能谱的外源中子,其乏燃料后处理只需除去乏燃料中的挥发性裂变产物和影响次锕系元素嬗变的中子毒物,长寿命的次锕系元素Np、Am、Cm可与二氧化铀一起转化为新的燃料元件在加速器驱动燃烧器中燃烧、嬗变、增殖和产能。基于此,本课题组提出了加速器驱动的乏燃料后处理及再生制备的技术路线,包括高温氧化粉化与挥发、选择性溶解分离和燃料再生制备。本文主要介绍了近几年本课题组在这三方面所取得的一些成就,希望能为加速器驱动先进核能系统的乏燃料后处理提供基础数据。
    Abstract: Spent nuclear fuel reprocessing is the key step of the nuclear fuel cycle. It also restricts the sustainable development of nuclear power. With the help of external neutron source in an accelerator driven advanced nuclear energy system(ADANES), spent nuclear fuel reprocessing only needs to remove some volatile fission products and neutron poisons, such as rare elements. Moreover, it is not necessary to separate the long-lived minor actinides Np, Am and Cm finely. These minor actinides can be refabricated as new nuclear fuels together with uranium dioxide for burn, transmutation, breeding, and power production in the accelerator driven advanced nuclear energy system. Based on this, our group proposed a technical route for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing and regeneration of accelerator driven advanced nuclear energy system, including high-temperature oxidation pulverization and volatilization, selective dissolution separation, and fuel regeneration. The recent research of our group is summarized, which has a great significance for implementation of accelerator driven advanced nuclear energy system.
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