含铀废水中 \left\mathrmUO_2(\mathrmOH)_m(\mathrmH_2\mathrmO)_n^ \right^2-m 形态的模拟计算

    Investigation of Configurations of \left\bfUO_\bf2(\bfOH)_\boldsymbolm(\bfH_\bf2\bfO)_\boldsymboln\right^\bf2-\boldsymbolm in Uranium Wastewater

    • 摘要: 乏燃料含铀废水既是放射性污染物,也是可回收利用的铀资源。U(Ⅵ)在水溶液中的化学形态对其在环境中的迁移性和溶液的形态转化调控有重要意义。采用密度泛函理论方法计算研究铀酰离子与羟基和水形成配合物的结构和性质,求得优化几何构型、能量、形成过程和热力学性质。自发生成的6配位配合物中,羟基和水的配位数分别是4和2。直线型铀酰阳离子同羟基和水形成配合物,按Oyl-U-Oyl(Oyl表示酰基氧)角度不同,存在线型和“V”型两种构型。分子式相同时,铀酰基团的U-Oyl键长随着Oyl-U-Oyl角度的减小而增长。随着OH和H2O配体数增加,配合物的结构趋于笼状;当OH配体数为3或4时,倾向于生成“V”型铀酰配合物。逐级生成 UO2(OH)m2‒m配合物时,开始释放出大量的能量,但是随着OH配位数增加,释放的能量急剧减少,直至吸收能量。而逐级生成 UO2(H2O)n2+配合物时,则持续释放出少量能量;H2O配体数增加时有利于形成稳定配合物。生成UO2(OH)m2‒mm<4)配合物的反应能自发进行;而生成UO2(OH)42‒配合物的反应,仅线型UO2(OH)3生成“V”型UO2(OH)42‒是自发过程。


      Abstract: Uranium-containing wastewater from the spent nuclear fuel are radioactive wastes as well as energy sources. It is meaningful to investigate the configurations of aqueous U(Ⅵ) for its environmental migrations and configuration conversions. Herein the uranyl complexes of \left\mathrmUO_2(\mathrmOH)_m(\mathrmH_2\mathrmO)_n^ \right^2-m (m=1-4, n=1-2) were investigated by density functional theory at the PBE0 level, in combination with ECP80MWB_AVQZ + 2f basis set for uranium and 6-311+G** basis set for hydrogen and oxygen. The optimized geometries, energies, formation processes and thermodynamic properties of the complexes were predicted. In the six coordinated complexes that are spontaneously produced, the ligand numbers of OH and H2O are 4 and 2, respectively. There exist either linear or “V” configurations, sorting by the angles of Oyl-U-Oyl, when a linear uranyl dication coordinated with H2O and hydroxyl. The “V” type complexes with Oyl-U-Oyl angle being about 40° are found only when the coordinated number of OH is more than 2. The total energy of “V” type UO2(OH)3 is lower than that of its linear isomer by 131.46 kJ/mol at the MP2 level. The complexes with U-OH2 bond and “V” type Oyl-U-Oyl are the most stable. The complexes tend to have a “V” configuration when the coordinated hydroxyl number is 3 or 4. The lengths of U-Oyl bond increase as the angles of Oyl-U-Oyl decrease. The complexes tend to be cage-like as more hydroxyl and H2O are coordinated. When \mathrmUO_2^2+ coordinates with OH one by one, a large amount of energy is released initially. As the coordinated number increases, the released energy dramatically decreases or even changes to an energy adsorbing process. When \mathrmUO_2^2+ coordinates with H2O one by one, the processes release a small amount of energy continuously. The increase of H2O ligand is beneficial to the stability of the complexes. The formations of UO2(OH)m2‒m (m<4) are spontaneous processes. However, for the formation of UO2(OH)42‒, only the process of linear UO2(OH)3 converting to “V” type UO2(OH)42‒ is spontaneous, indicating the complexes tend to form “V” configuration when the number of OH is 4. The spontaneous pathways and energy changes in the stepwise coordination processes were speculated on the basis of energy analysis. The above characteristics of UO2(OH)m(H2O)n2‒m play an important role on the ion activity, solubility and ion exchange of uranyl in alkaline solutions. OH and H2O compete with each other in coordinating, which influences the concentration and species distribution of UO2(OH)m(H2O)n2‒m configurations. The results herein provide theoretical basis for understanding and controlling the behaviors and reactions of uranyl aqueous solutions.


