
    Progress on Effect of Clay Mineral-Biocomposite Colloids on Radionuclides Migration and Mechanism

    • 摘要: 深入认识和科学评价放射性核素的迁移行为对核环境安全评价和放射性污染场地高效清除和修复策略的设计具有重要意义。环境胶体的存在会影响放射性核素的迁移行为,如何有效控制和阻滞放射性核素在环境中的迁移和预测其潜在的危害已成为一项紧迫的工作。尽管已认识到胶体的存在会影响放射核素的吸附模式和迁移规律,但真实天然环境中胶体种类繁多,黏土矿物和微生物等会形成黏土矿物-生物复合胶体,这些复合胶体与放射性核素相互作用使得迁移行为的预测和迁移机理的分析变得更为复杂。本文先概述了胶体与放射性核素迁移行为,重点阐释了影响胶体和放射性核素迁移行为的关键因素及其作用机理,然后论述了影响胶体迁移的主要检测手段和分析方法,旨在为核环境安全评价和核应急下有效净化修复放射性污染提供理论依据和技术支持。


      Abstract: A comprehensive understanding and scientific assessment of radionuclides migration are of great significance for nuclear environmental safety assessment and for the design of effective removal and remediation strategies for radioactive contaminated sites. The presence of environmental colloids can affect the migration behavior of radionuclides. It is generally believed that the migration of radioactive nuclides in the environment is carried out in the form of solutes, and the main processes of migration are diffusion and adsorption. They can also undergo complex physical and chemical interactions with natural mineral components such as clay minerals and biological media such as microorganisms, thereby slowing down or even blocking their further migration and diffusion in the natural environment. However, the presence of various colloids in the environment, especially clay mineral-biocomposite colloids, complicates the prediction and analysis of radionuclide migration. The research on the interaction mechanism and migration behavior of these environmental composite colloids and radionuclides will become more complicated. Thus, effectively controlling and preventing the migration of radionuclides in the environment and predicting their potential hazards are an urgent task. This review summarizes the migration behavior of colloids and radionuclides, discusses the main factors affecting the migration of colloids, and examines the mechanism affecting the migration behavior of colloids and radionuclides. Furthermore, the detection means and analytical methods were explained. The results show the migration behavior of environmental colloids such as clay minerals and biological colloids with radioactive nuclides in porous media is influenced by the physical and chemical factors such as pH, ion strength and valence state, organic matter, and microorganisms. Colloidal aggregation, deposition, and release occur during the transport of colloidal loaded nuclides, which are regulated by multiple mechanisms including convection-diffusion, adsorption-desorption, aggregation, straining, blocking, and ripening. Under laboratory conditions, the interaction mechanism between colloids and nuclides is mainly studied by using aggregation kinetics experiments, static adsorption batch experiments, column migration experiments, and advanced spectroscopic characterization methods such as transmission electron microscopy(TEM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy(TRLFS), etc. In the real natural environment, there are not only a wide variety of clay minerals and biological colloids such as bacteria, but also a large number of complex system ions such as carbonate, phosphate, sulfate, and silicate, which have synergistic and antagonistic effects. These can cause changes in the fate of radioactive pollutants and pose potential threats to nuclear environmental safety. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the interaction and migration behavior of various environmental colloids and radioactive nuclides with different compositions and ratios, as well as their environmental fate in future research.


