
    Determination of Nitric Acid in Aqueous Solution of Uranium and Plutonium Purification Process by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

    • 摘要: 硝酸浓度影响甚至决定铀钚元素在后处理料液中的分配比,所以在后处理工艺控制分析中,游离酸的测定占有重要地位,具有分析点多、分析频率高、时效性强等特点。现有的分析方法取样量大、分析速度慢,因此,建立新的游离酸快速分析方法,对于后处理工艺控制分析具有重要意义。在本工作中,应用自行研制的适合于我国后处理料液分析的近红外光纤光谱仪,结合PLS回归方法,建立了后处理水相料液游离酸的快速测量方法。该方法取样量小、操作简单、分析快速,适用于水相料液中硝酸含量的测定。所建立的铀酸数学模型对于料液中酸浓度的最低检测限为0.06mol/L;建立的钚酸数学模型对于含大量钚料液中酸浓度的最低检测限为0.12mol/L;相对误差小于10%,测量相对标准偏差sr<5%。对后处理厂实际样品的分析表明,分析结果与草酸盐络合-定pH值滴定法结果一致,方法准确、可靠。


      Abstract: Nitric acid concentration affects and even determines the distribution ratio of uranium and plutonium in reprocessing feed solutions, so, in the reprocessing process control analysis, the determination of the free acid plays an important role. Traditional laboratory analysis of the free aicd needs greater sampling, higher costing, and is time consuming. Hence, development of a new free acid fast analytical method has important significance for the reprocessing process control analysis. In this work, an NIR fiber-optic spectrophotometer designed and constructed in our lab has been used to determine total nitric acid concentration in samples from nuclear fuel reprocessing. Based on partial least squares(PLS) numerical analysis methods, calibration models are built from simulated and real -aqueous solutions with known acid contents and used to predict concentration of nitric acid. The acid detection limit applied in acid solutions by the established calibration model is 0.06 mol/L, and the detection limit for acid in mass plutonium is 0.12 mol/L, and the relative deviation is less than 10%, and the sr is less than 5%. The NIR system can provide fast, accurate data with relatively small sample preparation. The PLS calibration results of the free acid concentr ation show good agreement with that of sodium oxalate fixed pH value titration.