
    Age-Dating of Highly Enriched Uranium by Gamma Spectroscopy

    • 摘要: 建立了用γ能谱法测定铀年龄的方法,用低本底高分辨γ谱仪通过测定214Bi/234U活度比得到高浓铀样品的年龄。由于采用了内部效率自刻度,因此,该方法不受样品物理形态和几何形状的限制,也不需要用标准样品对系统进行效率刻度。对硝酸铀酰样品的铀年龄测量结果为18.00(4.1%)年,与样品实际年龄的相对偏差为-4.8%,误差主要来源于234U/235U比值的测量误差。


      Abstract: The age of uranium samples are measured through the radioactivity ratio of 214Bi/234U by gamma spectrometry. The principle of measurement for radioactivity ratio of 234U/235U, 234U/235U and 214Bi/238U using intrinsic efficiency calibration is discussed. The measurement is a nondestructive assay method for uranium age-dating by gamma spectrometry which is applicable to materials in any physical form and geometrical shape. Two different physical form and geometrical shape samples are measured and investigated, one is U3O8 powder, the other is uranyl nitrate. The measurement results are 27.25 and 18.00 a respectively. For the uranyl nitrate sample, the relative standard deviation of highly enriched uranium (HEU) age determination is less than 5% between the measured and declared age.


