
    Progress in the Research of Neptunium Environmental Chemistry

    • 摘要: 237Np作为长寿命(T1/2=2.14×106 a)、高毒性的人工放射性核素,在乏燃料所包含的核素中占有较大的份额。这类核素若释放到环境中会对环境构成很大的潜在威胁。包括我国在内的世界各主要有核国家都将237Np作为高放废物进行深地质处置,因此研究Np的环境化学行为十分重要。Np的环境化学研究重点是Np在环境中尤其是在深地质处置环境中的浓度、形态以及迁移行为。本文总结了国内外对Np的溶解和迁移行为的研究进展,重点介绍了Np的溶解度、水解和络合反应的研究成果以及Np在矿物上的吸附行为及机理研究的最新进展,并对Np的环境化学研究发展方向提出了建议。


      Abstract: 237Np is considered a possible long-term potential threat for environment, because of its long half-life, high toxicity and its mobile nature under aerobic conditions due to the high chemical stability of its pentavalent state. Therefore 237Np is considered as one of high-level radioactive waste and need to be disposed in deep geologic disposeal repository. The chemical behavior of Np in environmental is concerned. The research on Np environmental chemistry is focus on concentration, speciation and migration behavior in the environment, especially in the deep geological environment. Recent inverstigation progress on the solubility and migration behavior of Np has been summarized in this paper. This paper focuses on research results of the solubility, hydrolysis, complexation reactions and adsorption behavior on the mineral, and then review the recent progress of adsorption mechanism research works. Some proposals for Np environmental chemistry research are also been suggested.


