Investigation of Static Adsorption of Cesium From Liquid Sodium by Reticulated Vitreous Carbon
摘要: 以网状玻璃体碳(RVC)为吸附剂,用中子活化分析法研究了在静态条件下,吸附温度和吸附时间对铯在RVC和液态钠中分配的影响。研究结果表明,当吸附温度在200~400℃,吸附时间超过40h时,铯在RVC和液态中的分配比在102以上。研究结果为在快堆冷却剂旁路测量中安装吸附铯的装置提供了实验依据。Abstract: Reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) is used as an adsorbent for cesium in this work. The influence of adsorption time and temperature on the distribution ratio of cesium between RVC and liquid sodium is investigated in the static condition by using neutron activation analysis(NAA). The results show that the distribution ratio of cesium is higher than 10 when the temperature is in the range of 200~400 ℃, and the adsorption lasts longer than 40 h. These results provide an experimental basis for installation and operation of cesium-adsorption device in the by-pass sodium loop for determination of radio active cesium.