Adsorption of Trace Quantity ~(241)Am on Glass
摘要: 用玻璃微球模拟玻璃器壁,研究了水溶液中痕量镅在玻璃表面上的吸附动力学特征和pH对吸附的影响。研究结果表明,在pH=2.04水溶液中,241Am(Ⅲ)在玻璃-水溶液界面上的吸附过程由液膜扩散所控制,并且服从Lagergren一级动力学方程;pH变化对吸附的影响明显,当pH=2~6时,吸附率随pH增大而迅速递增,并且出现最大值;pH=6~9时,吸附率有所降低;pH值继续增大时,吸附率随之增大。Abstract: The kinetic feature of Am(Ⅲ) adsorption on the surface of glass and the effect of pH on(Am(Ⅲ)) adsorption are studied through using tiny glass balls to simulate the container walls.The results show that when pH value of the solution is 2.04,the film diffusion is a rate-controlled step during the adsorbing process,which belongs to Lagergren first-order kinetic equation.The effect of pH on(Am(Ⅲ)) adsorption is notable.When pH=2~6,the Am(Ⅲ) adsorption on glass is increased with increasing pH,but decreased at pH=6~9.After that,the Am(Ⅲ) adsorption is increased by degrees.