
    • 摘要: 根据红外光谱的二阶导数谱理论,测定了巩县风化煤黄腐酸的傅里叶变换红外光谱,提高了表观分辨率;测定了在不同pH值下制备的黄腐酸与Ca ̄(2+)、Ba ̄(2+)、Cu ̄(2+)、Pb ̄(2+)和等配合物的红外光谱;讨论了腐殖酸与某些金属的成键性质。


      Abstract: FT-IR SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES OF FULVIC ACID FROM WEATHERED COAL AND ITS COMPLEXESSHENG FENGLING;YANG YUHUI;LIU SHIFANG;TAO ZUYI(Department of Modern Physics,Centre of Analysis and Testing,Lanzhou,University,Lanzhou 730000)LU CHANGQING(Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sicences,Naijing 210008)ABSTRACT FT-IR spectrum of hlvic acid from wheathered coal of Gong-Xian is determined usingsecond derivative spectroscopy and the spectroscopic resolution is enhanced.Moreover,FT-IRspectra of the complexes of fulvic acid with Ca~(2+)、Ba~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+) and under different pHare determined and the nature of the coordination of these complexes is discussed. Key words Fulvic acid from weathered coal FT-IR Metal complex.


