THE YIELD MEASUREMENT OF THE NEAR-TARGET PRODUCTS FROM THE REACTION OF THE INTERMEDIATE ENERGY~(12)C IONS WITH ~(209)Bi THICK TARGETSLI ZONGWEI;ZHAO ZHIZHENG;YANG WEIFANG;SUN XIURONG;QIN ZHI;YANG YONGFENG;MO WANTONG;XIE XIUJUN;ZHANG LI;PAN QIANGYAN(Institute of Modern Physics,Academia Sinica,Lanzhou,730000)ABSTRACT Average cross-section of near-target products from the reaction of~(12)C+~(209)Bi at intermediateenergy are measured.Their independent yields are obtained from their cumulative and partialycumulative yields according to the experimental data measured in this work and correction ofmother-daugter decay.The yield distribution curves of Pt, Au and Hg isotopes are constructedand it is found that for the peak positions A=188.1,190.9 and 195.8,σ_Z=3.08,2.80 and3. 74,respectively,Averagy production cross-sections are derived from the istopic yield distribu-tion curves for some near-target neutron-rich isotopes.Key words New isotope Intermediate energy nuclear reaction Isotopic distribution