EXCITATION FUNCTIONS OF THE TARGET RESIDUAL NUCLEIFROM THE INTERACTION OF 18.8-46.2MeV/u~(12)C WITH ~(93)NbLI XINHUA;LI ZE;JING KEXING;LIU YONGHUI;ZHENG YUMING;SA BENHAO(China Institute of Atomic Energy,P.O. Box 275,Beijing, 102413)LI WENXIN;SUN TONGYU;SUN RULIN;WU DINGQING;ZHAO LILI;YIN XINMIN(Institute of Modern Physics,Academia Sinica,Lanzhou,730000)ABSTRACT The production cross-sections of 43 radioactive target residues are measured with off-linegamma spectrometry for the interaction of~(12)C with~(93)Nb at the bombarding energies from 18.8 to46.2MeV/u,These cross- sections seem to be grouped into three categories ,responding to thecompetition among three decay modes,i.e.the pseudoevaporation mode,the pseudofission modeand the multifragmentation mode,of hot nuclei in the energy region of interest. However,the prc-duction cross-section of~(92)Nb~m unusually keeps constant around 5.0×10~(-30)m~2. Key words~(12)C+~(93)Nb Gamma spectrometery Excitation function Decay modes of hot nuclei