THE STUDY OF NEW NEUTKON-RICH NUCLIDE~185Hf 1.THE SYNTHESIS,SEPARATION AND IDENTIFICATIONZHANG TIANMEI;YUAN SHUANGGUI;ZHANG XUEQIAN;PAN OIANGYAN;XU SHUWEI;CHEN JINGREN~1;LI WEISHENG;YIN XIJIN;DU YIFEI;QI WENKUI;SUN RULIN; WANG YIHAO(Instuute of Modern Physics,Atademia Sinica,Lanzhou,730000)1)(Department of Modern Physics,Lanzhou Universuy,730000)ABSTRACT An unreported Hafnium isotope~185Hf has been identified for first time.Sources of~185Hfprepared by 14 MeV neutron irradiation of tungsten followed by radiochemical separation have been studied. The new activity is identified by following the time variation of the γ-rays. The half-life of~185Hf has been determined to be 3.5±0.6min. In addition,a new 164.5±0.5keV γ-ray is found and assigned to~185Hf based on the rneasurements of transition enertgy and half-life.Key words New nuclide~185Hf Synthesis Separation Identification