MEASUREMENTS OF SOME BASIC CONSTANTS OF~(68)Ga(kAT-TECH)AS AN IMAGING AGENTCHEN HUAWEI; LIU BOLI(Department of Chemistry ,Beijing Normal University,100875)ABSTRACT The kinetic properties of a new myocardial imaging agent ~(68)Ga(BAT-TECH)are investiga-ted and its thermodynamic constants are measured.The results are as follows:Citrate→BAT-TECH exchange reaction order is second-order;reaction rate k=0.50l/mol·s;activation energyE_a=56. 6kJ/mol;the stability constant of ~(68)Ga(BAT-TECH)lgβ=14.9;the acid dissociationconstants of BAT-TECH pK_1=4.62 ,pK_2=7.68,pK_3=8.68,pK_4=11.2.Key words yocardial imaging agent ~(68)Ga(BAT-TECH)Method of nonlinear least square fitting