DETERMINATION OF Ni,Cu,Pb,CONCENTRATION IN THE FREEZE DRIED URINEZHAO MOTIAN ;WANG JUN(National Research for Certified Reference Mateial,Beijing 100013)ABSTRACT The method of determining Ni, Cu and Pbi n urine with isotope dilution mass spectrometry(IDMS)is described. First,the concentrations of the enriched isotope solutions of~(62)Ni,~(65)Cu and~(207)pb are determined with the standard solutions of Ni,Cu and Pb as spikes.Then,the contents ofNi、Cu and Pb in the freeze dried urine are determined by IDMS with the enriched isOtope solu-tions as spikes. The experimantal results show that the contents(ω)of Ni,Cu and Pb in thefreeze dried urine are(O.309 ± 0.004)× 100~(-6),(0.442±0.013)× 10~(-6),(0.100±0.004) ×10~(-6),respectively. Key words Isotope dilution mass spectrometry Freeze dried urine Nickel Copper Lead