

    • 摘要: 在低氧条件下以Na2 S2 O4 或铁粉作还原剂 ,测定了Np(Ⅳ )在模拟地下水和重蒸水中的溶解度 ,讨论了溶液 pH值和放置时间对Np(Ⅳ )的形态及在两种水样中溶解度的影响。实验结果表明 :放置时间对溶解度的影响不大 ;随着溶液 pH值 (6~ 12 )的变化 ,Np(Ⅳ )在模拟地下水和重蒸水中的溶解度不变 ,Np(Ⅳ )主要以Np(OH) 4 ,Np(OH) - 5两种形态存在


      Abstract: The solubility of Np(Ⅳ) in simulated underground water and redistilled water has been measured with the variations of pH(6~12) and storage time(0~100 d) in the presence of reductants(Na 2S 2O 4, metallic Fe). All experiments are performed in a low oxygen concentration glove box containing high purity Ar(99.99 %), with an oxygen content of less than 5×10 -6 mol/mol . Experimental results show that the variation of pH in solution has little effect on the solubility of Np(Ⅳ) in the two kinds of water; the measured solubility of Np(Ⅳ) is affected by the composition of solution; with Na 2S 2O 4 as a reductant, the solubility of Np(Ⅳ) in simulated underground water is (9 23±0 48)×10 -10 mol/L, and that in redistilled water is (8 31±0 35)×10 -10 mol/L; with metallic Fe as a reductant, the solubility of Np(Ⅳ) in simulated underground water is (1 85±0 56)×10 -9 mol/L, and that in redistilled water is (1 48±0 66)×10 -9 mol/L.


