Influence of Packing Material and Method on the Efficiency of Liquid Phase Water-Hydrogen Isotope Exchange
摘要: 研究了填料及填装工艺对水 氢同位素液相催化交换效率的影响,讨论了亲水填料的选型原则、处理方式、亲水填料与憎水催化剂在催化反应床中的填装比例。结果表明:选用不锈钢三角填料,填料使用前进行表面处理,亲水填料与憎水催化剂按体积比为1∶4分层有序填装,均能提高催化反应床的交换效率。Abstract: The influence of packing material in the countercurrent catalytic column on the efficiency of liquid phase water-hydrogen isotope exchange is studied. Stainless steel triangle spring packing de-(monstrates) best performance among the tested three hydrophilic packing materials. Pretreatment of the stainless steel packing lowers the height of a mass transfer unit (HTU) by about 50%. The effectiveness of a catalytic column for water-hydrogen isotope exchange is proved to be higher when the column is packed in layers with hydrophilic packing and hydrophobic catalyst in the volume ratio 1∶4.