
    • 摘要: 用间歇电解还原法研究了在有机玻璃电解槽中阳极镀铂钛网在UO2(NO3)2-HNO3-N2H5NO3-H2O体系中的耐腐蚀情况。研究结果表明:在无隔膜电解还原时,镀铂钛网上的Pt的腐蚀速率极低(<2.5×10-2μm/a),而在以阳离子交换膜作隔膜的电解还原中,镀铂钛网上的Pt有明显的腐蚀,其腐蚀速率为5.7μm/a。对这两种情况下Pt的腐蚀速率明显差别的原因进行了分析讨论。


      Abstract: STUDY ON CORROSION RESISTANCE OF PLATIUMPLATED TITANIUM NET DURING PREPARATION OF URANOUS NITRATE BY ELECTROLYTIC REDUCTIONHe Adi Ye Minglu Zhou Zuming Tang Zhihua Lu Shijun(Department of PhysicsⅡ,Fudan Uniuersity,Shanghai 200433)Qian Yudi Zhang Chiguang(Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineering,Beijing,100840)ABSTRACTStudy on corrosion resistance of platinumplated titanium net as anode during preparation of uranous nitrate in UO2(NO3)2HNO3N2H5NO3H2O system has been carried out by batchwise electrolytic reduction process.The results show that under the condition of membranefree electrolytic reduction,the corrosion rate of Pt on the platinumplated titanium net is extremely low (less than 2.5×10-2μm/a);But during electrolytic reduction with cationexchange membrane,Pt on the platinunplated titanium net was corroded apparently,the corrosion rate is 5.7 μm/a.The reasons for the difference of the corrosion rate between the two cases are discussed.Key words Electrolytic reduction Corrosion rate Uranous nitrate Platinumplated titanium net


