STUDY ON CORROSION RESISTANCE OF PLATIUMPLATED TITANIUM NET DURING PREPARATION OF URANOUS NITRATE BY ELECTROLYTIC REDUCTIONHe Adi Ye Minglu Zhou Zuming Tang Zhihua Lu Shijun(Department of PhysicsⅡ,Fudan Uniuersity,Shanghai 200433)Qian Yudi Zhang Chiguang(Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineering,Beijing,100840)ABSTRACTStudy on corrosion resistance of platinumplated titanium net as anode during preparation of uranous nitrate in UO2(NO3)2HNO3N2H5NO3H2O system has been carried out by batchwise electrolytic reduction process.The results show that under the condition of membranefree electrolytic reduction,the corrosion rate of Pt on the platinumplated titanium net is extremely low (less than 2.5×10-2μm/a);But during electrolytic reduction with cationexchange membrane,Pt on the platinunplated titanium net was corroded apparently,the corrosion rate is 5.7 μm/a.The reasons for the difference of the corrosion rate between the two cases are discussed.Key words Electrolytic reduction Corrosion rate Uranous nitrate Platinumplated titanium net