In this paper a selective adsorption and desorption on copper based platinum adsorbent (CBPA) of radioiodine is studied.I- can be adsorbed on CBPA in the media like sulfuric, citric or tartaric acid at pH ≤6.2. The adsorption capacity is-0.7 mg/cm3 CBPA (150-200 mesh) in the usual cycles. In the presence of enough Na2SO3, the adsorption efficiency is≥99.95% before the break- through. The adsorption takes place in<3 seconds, permitting a flow rate of up to 90 ml/cm2·min, while in elution, the flow rate should not exceed 10ml/cm2·min to avoid longer tailing.The elution efficiency depends greatly on two factors: the amount of I-adsorbed and the concentration of NaOH in the eluant. Through the 1.5cm3 column, for>80μg I-and with 10-15 Vc of≥0.3 N NaOH, the recovery is nearly quantitative.Na+, K+, Cs+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, AP+, Sb(Ⅲ), and SO2 3+, PO3 4-, TeO2 4-, citrate, tartarate etc., and NO3-, Cl- as well (in the pH range of 4-5.5 and with enough Na2SO3 present), exhibit no apparent effect on either adsorption or desorption of I-. The presence of large quantity of Br- interferes both processes. The separation( or decontamination) factors for Al, Te(Ⅵ), Sb(Ⅲ) are>103-105.In 0.1 N NaOH eluate, the contents of absorbent material (Cu and Pt) and other impurities are all<1 ppm, and the radiochemical purity of radioiodine in the product is≥99.9%, with no reducing agent in it.The column can be used repeatedly. A dose of 1 × 108rads of 60Co γ-rays has no effect on the effectiveness of the CBPA.This inorganic selective adsorption method might find applications in many fields.