• 摘要: 研究了二(2,4,4-三甲基戊基)单硫代膦酸(HBTMPTP,HL)和1-苯基-3-甲基-4-苯甲酰基吡唑酮-5(HPMBP,HA)的苯溶液在HNO3介质中对三价稀土元素的萃取性能。结果表明,在HNO3介质中存在协同效应,并且对三价重稀土元素存在反协同效应。以La(Ⅲ)为例,用斜率法确定了它在HNO3介质中所生成的协萃配合物的组成为LaNO3·HL2·A·2HA,计算了协萃反应的平衡常数,并观测了饱和协萃配合物的IR谱。


      Abstract: STUDY ON SYNERGISTIC EXTRACTION OF RARE EARTH ELEMENTS WITH HBTMPTP AND HPMBPKong Wei Li Deqian(Laboratory of Rare Earth Chemistry and Physics,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,the ChineseAcademy of Sciences ,Changchun 130022)Zhang Xiuying Wang Chaomin(Department of Chemistry,He'nan NormalUniversity,Xinxiang 453002)ABSTRACTThe synergistic extraction of rare earth elements from aqueous nitric acid with benzene solutions of bis(2,4,4trimethylpentyl)monothiophosphinic acid (HBTMPTP,HL) and 1phenyl3methyl4benzoylpyrazolone5 (HPMBP,HA) has been studied.The composition of the extracted complex of La(Ⅲ) has been determined to be LaNO3·HL2·A·2HA by slope analysis and IR spectrophotometer analysis.The equilibrium constants have also been calculated.Key words Synergistic extraction Rare earths HBTMPTP HPMBP


