
    • 摘要: 介绍了TRPO-冠醚-亚铁氰化钾钛处理模拟生产堆高放废液流程中α核素的分离分析方法。根据料液成分的差异,推荐了3种萃取分离方法。实验结果表明,推荐方法消除了强β、γ核素及高盐分对α测量的影响,回收率均在98%以上。


      Abstract: THE SOLVENT EXTRACTION SEPAPATION FOR ANALYSING α-NUCLIDES IN HLLWTian Guoxing ;Liang Junfu (Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, P. O. Box 1021,Beijing 102201)Abstract:The solvent extraction methods of separating α-nuclides from high level liquid waste(HLLW) treated by TRPO process are recommended. Different separation processes are applied according to the variou s compositions of HLLW. The influence of high salt concentration and high levelβ、γradioactivity are eliminated. The measurement accuracy of α-nuclides is improved and the determination limit is lowered.Keywords: Trialkylphosphine oxide HLLW Solvent extraction α-nuclides.


