~(235)Th β 衰变端点能量测定中的放化分离

    • 摘要: 采用PMBP-CHCl3溶剂萃取法从238U(n,α)235Th反应的靶材料、裂变产物及其它反应产物中分离钍,以测定其β端点能量。结果表明,235Th的半衰期为(7.3±0.2)min,与文献值吻合。此流程的分离时间约27min,化学产额约25%,235Th源的γ谱中仅有少量的碘和碲沾污。测得的235Th的β端点能量为(1.44±0.04)MeV,从而确定其Qβ=(1.47±0.07)Me


      Abstract: RADIOCHEMICAL SEPARATION AND INDENTIFICATION IN THE DETERMINATION OF 235Th β DECAY ENDPOINT ENERGYZhang Tianmei Li Wenxin Yuan Shuanggui Xu Shuwei(Institute of Modern Physics,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000)ABSTRACTA radiochemical method of solvent extraction with PMBPCHCl3 has been used to separate thorium from the fission products and irradiated target material in 238U(n,α) 235Th reaction for determination β decay endpoint energy of 235Th.The results indicate that the halflive of 235Th is (73±02) min which is in good agreement with the reference value. The separation time of this procedure is about 27 min and the chemical yield is close to 25%.Measured β decay endpoint energy of 235Th is (144±004)MeV and Qβ=(147±007)MeV.Key words 235Th β decay endpoint energy Solvent extraction PMBP


