
    • 摘要: 介绍了国产Si(Au)面垒半导体探测器分析测量铀同位素丰度的α谱法。该方法已用于1988年世界卫生组织──国际放射性参考中心(WHOIRC)组织的矿泉水中放射性分析比对的铀同位素分析,并取得了较好的结果。


      Abstract: αSPECTROMETRY WITH Si(Au)SURFACE BARRIER SEMICONDUCTOR DETECTOR FOR ISOTOPIC ABUNDANCE OF MICRO-AMOUNT URANIUMShi Zhixia;Lu Zhengyong;Li Yuanxin;Zhang Jingjuan(China Institute for Radiation Protection,P. O. Box 120,Taiyuan 030006)Abstract:αspectrometer equiped with Si(Au)surface barrier semiconductor detector made in China is used in an intercomparison of the analysis of mineral water organized by World Health Organization──International Reference Centre for Radioactivity(WHO IRC)in 1988.The items for comparison include the analysis of234U,235U and238U.Radioactivity levels of the above radionuclides range from 0.001 to 0.2Bq/l.The values reported in this paper are close to the IRC reference values or mean values.Keywords:αspectrometry Semiconductor detector Micro-amount uranium iso topic


