
    • 摘要: 报道了N,N-二乙胺甲酰甲撑二己基磷酸酯(DHDECMP)螯合树脂的合成及其对Am、Cm吸附行为的研究。用红外光谱法对树脂进行了表征。DHDECMP在树脂上的加接率为0.27。在低酸度时,该树脂与纯DHDECMP的萃取行为有较大差异,而与未纯化的DHDECMP比较接近,在高酸度下两者的萃取行为基本一致。


      Abstract: STUDIES ON BIFUNCTIONAL ORGANOPHOSPHORUS CHELATING RESIN Ⅰ.SYNTHESIS OF D301-CMP RESIN AND ITS PROPERTY ON SORPTION OF Am(Ⅲ)and Cm(Ⅲ)Jin Yuren;Zhang Lixing; Zhang Haitao;Liu Yueheng(Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology,P. O. Box 69(17),Xi′an 710024)Abstract:The synthesis of bifunctional organophosphorus chelating resin(D301-CMP)is reported.The sorption of Am(Ⅲ) and Cm(Ⅲ)on D301-CMP resin is studied.The D301-CMP resin has been characterizated by IR Spectram. The attachment ratio of DHDECMP to the D301 resin is 0.27.It’s property to absorb Am(Ⅲ)and Cm (Ⅲ)under various concentrations of nitric acid is studied.The relationship of distribution coefficient of Am(Ⅲ)and Cm(Ⅲ)on D301-CMP resin to the concentration of nitric acid is rather different from DHDECMP itself but similar to unpurified DHDECMP.Keywords:Dihexyldiethylcarbamoylmethylphosphonate(DHDECMP)Phosphono carbanion Chelating resin Am(Ⅲ)Cm(Ⅲ)


