
    Constant Current Coulometric Determination of Uranium in U3O8

    • 摘要: 为了对铀产品中的铀含量进行准确定值,建立了用恒电流库仑法测定八氧化三铀中铀的方法。用Fe(Ⅱ)在磷酸介质中还原U(Ⅵ)为U(Ⅳ),用钼作催化剂,用硝酸选择性地氧化过剩的Fe(Ⅱ)后加入略超过铀化学当量的重铬酸钾,把U(Ⅳ)氧化到U(Ⅵ),过量的重铬酸钾用恒电流产生的Fe(Ⅱ)滴定。对250mg八氧化三铀,精密度优于0.015%。


      Abstract: Constant current coulometric is established to determine uranium in U3O8 in order to correct determination of uranium in uranium product. U(Ⅵ) is reduced to U(Ⅳ) by Fe(Ⅱ) in phosphoric acid. Molybdenum is used as catalyzer, the excess Fe(Ⅱ) is oxidized by nitric acid selectively.The U(Ⅳ) is oxided to U(Ⅵ) by adding chromium(Ⅵ) that is slightly more than uranium’s chemical equivalent in sample solution.The excess chromium(Ⅵ) is titrated by Fe(Ⅱ) which is produced through constant current. The precision is better than 0.015% for 250mg U3O8.


