EXCITATION FUNCTIONS FOR~(nat)W(p,xn)~(181─186)Re REACTIONSLi Wenxin;He Weiyu;Yin Duanzhi;Qiu Xuejun;Qian Jun;Hu Weiqing(Shanghai Institute of Nuclear Research,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 201800) Abstract:The excitation functions are determined for the products of~(181) Re,~(182)Re~m,~(182) Re~g,~(183) Re,~(184)4Re~m,~(184)Re~g and~(186)Re produced from proton-induced reactions on natural tungsten at energies up to 22. 5 MeV by stacked-foil technique,The thick target yield of~(186)Re is estimated via~(186)W(p,n)~(186)Re reaction and is compared with that of~(186)W(d,2n)~(186)Re reaction reported elsewhere.Keywords: ~(nat)W(p,xn)~(181─186)Re,Excitation function,Yield of~(186)Re