
    • 摘要: 用锶的天然稳定核素代替90Sr,用二环己基-18-冠-6(DCH18C6)-正辛醇溶液作萃取剂对经过TRPO流程去除锕系元素之后的模拟高放废液进行串级实验。结果表明,采用10级萃取、2级洗涤、4级反萃,锶的去除率可大于98.7%,并给出了Sr、K、Mo及硝酸等在各级中的浓度剖面及各物流中的相对分布。


      Abstract: THE CASCADE TEST OF REMOVING Sr FROM SIMULATED HLLW BY CROWN ETHER DICYCLOHEXANO-18-CKOWN-6Wang Qiuping;Wang Jianchen;Song Chongli;Tang Wencheng(Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology,TsingHua University ,P.O.Box1021,Beijig 102201)Abstract:The remaining radioactive species in HLLW after actinides removal are mainly~(90) Sr and~(137)Cs. The further removal of these two nuclides will transform HLLW into intermediate or low level liguid waste, In this work, the inactive cascade test is performed for Sr removal with crown ether dicyclohexano-18-crown- 6 (DCH18C6)from the simulated HLLW from which actinides have been removed by TRPO process.The simulated HLLW, after 3.4 times dilution, is used as feed solution in which the HNO_3 concentration is adjusted to 1.0mol/l.The whole process con sists of 10 extraction,2 scrubbing and 4 stripping stages. The removing ratio of Sr is more than 98.7%. The profile of Sr, K, Mo and nitric actinides in various stages and their distribution in process stream solutions are presented.Keywords: DCH18C6 HLLW Sr Separation


