INACTIVE EXPERIMENT ON REMOVAL Cs~+ FROM SIMULATED HLLW BY POTASSIUM TITANIUM HEXACYANOFERRATESun Yongxia;Song Chongli(Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology , Tsinghua University,P .O. Box 1021,Beijing 102201)Abstract:Removal of Cs from simulated HLLW by an inorganic ion exchanger, potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate ,is studied. The results show that potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate as ion exchanger can be used for removal of Cs ~+ from simulated HLLW, The exchange capacity of Cs ~+for dried exchanger for the column Ⅰ over the breakthrough of 90% is 0.745mmol/g when Cs ~+concentration of feed is 0.50g/l,feed aciditity is 1.10mol/l and the flow rate is 2.70ml/h(2.03bed volumes/h).The exchange capacity for dried exchanger of two-colunms on the same conditions is 0.640mmol/g at the breakthrough of 1% in the column Ⅰ.Keywords:Potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate Simulated HLLW Cs Ion ex changer