
    Preparation of Standard Radioactive Solution of 152Eu

    • 摘要: 为了保证HPGe γ谱仪的能量校准和效率刻度的准确性,研制152Eu标准溶液十分必要。在本工作中,152Eu标准溶液的研制包括:152Eu原始溶液的获取及核纯度鉴定;标准溶液的配制及其放置陈化和分装;标准溶液均匀性和稳定性检验及其比活度定值等主要步骤。按取样规则取样品数,最小取样量为10~40mg溶液。用4πβ(PPC)-γ法进行比活度测定,测量数据经方差分析法检验,证明标准溶液是均匀的。存放1a后,再经测量和检查,证明标准溶液是稳定的。采用4πβ(PPC)-γ符合测量方法定值及8家实验室比对定值2种定值方式对所研制的152Eu标准溶液的比活度进行定值。通过比活度比对定值验证了本实验室绝对测量方法4πβ(PPC)-γ符合法的可靠性,同时又实现了152Eu标准溶液比活度量值的传递和统一。最终的定值结果为4家实验室采用6种绝对测量方法测量的比对测量结果,即152Eu放射性标准溶液的比活度为499.1(1±0.5%)kBq/g(α=0.05,参考时刻2007-04-01-零时)。


      Abstract: 152Eu is an important radionuclide for the energy and efficiency calibration of the HPGe gamma-detector. The preparation procedure is as following: purification and identify for purity of 152Eu , homogeneity test, stability test, and measurement. According to the statistical tools, the spot-check samples from the solution in ampoule are measured for homogeneity test by 4πβ(PPC)-γ. The minimum sample for spot-check foe measurement by 4πβ(PPC)-γ is about 10-40 mg solution. The solution in ampoule have been stored for one year, then the spot-check samples are measured for stability test by 4πβ(PPC)-γ, the results prove that the solutions are stable. The certified value was measured by different laboratories using different ways. The last result of 152Eu is 499.1(1±0.5%)kBq/g(α=0.05).


