ANALYSIS OF GROSS BETA ACTIVITY IN THE TRPO PROCESSLiang Junfu Liu Xiuqin Guo Yifei(Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology,Tsinghua University, P.O.Box 1021,Beijing 102201)ABSTRACTAnalysis of gross beta activity in the TRPO process for treating high level liquid waste is studied.The gross beta activity in aqueous or organic phase samples are determined by liquid scintillation analyzer.Interference with determination of α and γ to β is discriminated.β nuclides are divided into four groups based on β maximum energy.Equivalent efficiency and weigh factor of each group are analyzed by liquid scintillation analyzer and Ge(Li) γ spectrometer.Gross β activities of the samples are calculated by equivalent efficiency method.The method is applied to analysis of gross β activity in the TRPO process with satisfactory results.Key words Gross beta activity Liquid scintillation counting High level liquid waste Equivalent efficiency method