
    • 摘要: 利用γ辐射聚合法(总剂量3kGy,剂量率38.4Gy/min)以NIPAAm和AAc为单体在THF溶液中制备了二元线型共聚物,红外光谱证实了线型共聚物中羧基的存在;性质测定表明此共聚物具有温度敏感性,其相转变温度(LCST)值随体系pH值而升高;利用这种共聚物对水溶液中微量Er3+、UO2+2、Cr(Ⅵ)离子进行浓集分离研究,表明具有较好的浓集与分离效果,并对浓集机理进行了探讨


      Abstract: STUDY OF BINARY LINEAR COPOLYMERS IN CONCENTRATION OF Er3+,UO2+2 AND Cr() IN DILUTE AQUEOUS SOLUTIONSAuthor Yi MinZhang JianboLi JunWang Weijing (Department of Technical Physics,Peking University,Beijing 100871) ABSTRACT Binary linear copolymers,poly NIPAAmAAc,are synthesized by radiation copolymerization (total dose 3kGy,dose rate 38.4 Gy/min at room temperature) in THF solutions of Nisopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) and acrylic acid (AAc) with ratio of 9:1 (w/w).The product synthesized in this work is white powder and possessed thermal sensitivity. Concentration of Er3+,UO2+2 and Cr() in dilute aqueous solutions is studied by using the synthesited poly NIPAAmAAc.The conditions of concentration of Er3+,UO2+2 and Cr() in dilute aqueous solutions are given and the mechanism was discussed. Key words Radiation polymerizationNisopropylacrylamideAcrylic acidEr3+UO2+2Cr()


