
    • 摘要: 研究了在硝酸介质中亚铁氰化钾钛对Cs~+的离子交换机理,温度、搅拌速度和粒度对离子交换速度的影响,同时还研究了模拟高放废液中主要阳离子对Cs~+离子交换的影响。实验结果表明,在低浓度的铯溶液中,离子交换反应在Cs~+与K~+之间进行,当铯浓度较高时,部分TiO~(2+)、H~+参与交换;在较低的搅拌速度下,离子交换受膜扩散和粒内扩散联合控制,而在较高的搅拌速度下,离子交换主要受粒内扩散控制。


      Abstract: STUDY ON ION EXCHANGE MECHANISM OF POTASSIUM TITANIUM HEXACYANOFERRATE FOR CS~+IONXu Shiping ; Jiang Changyin; Song Chongli(Institute of Nuclear Energy and Technology, Tsing Hua Univrsity, P. O Box 1021,Beijing 102201)Abstract:The exchange mechanism of potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate for Cs ~ + in nitrate medium is studied. Ion exchange occurs between Cs~+ and K~+ in lower Cs~+ concentration solution and TiO2~+ takes part in exchange with the increase of Cs~+ concentration. The study of the effects of temperature, stirring intensity and particle size on exchange speed shows that exchange process is controlled by membrane diffusion and particle diffusion at lower stirring intensity and by particle diffusion at higher stirring intensity. The effects of main cations in simulated high level radioactive liquid waste(HLLW)on Cs~+ exchange are studied. The results demonstrate that this ex changer has excellent selectivity for Cs~+.Keywords: Potassium titanium hexacyanoferrate Cs~+ HLLW Ion exchange


