
    Helium Release From Aged Uranium Tritide

    • 摘要: 为研究老龄氚化铀释放氦的规律,对室温贮存多年的老龄UT0.9~1.2释放的氦压力与组分进行了分析。结果表明,氚化铀经过6~7 a老化,氚衰变产生的3He气体约有38.1%~45.3%释放至贮氚铀床空腔内,其纯度为99.9%,贮氚铀床空腔气体压力达1.11~1.36 MPa;部分He保留在固相中,He和U的原子比为0.177~0.201。


      Abstract: Helium desorption rule from aged uranium tritide was investigated through the pressure measurement and the composition of helium released from uranium tritide stored at room temperature was analysed. After 6 to 7 years aging of uranium tritide, about 38.1%-45.3% He prodeced by disintegration of 3He from uranium tritide was released in the cavum of the uraniumbed with the gas pressure of 1.11-1.36 MPa and the purity of 99.9% above, the rest of helium is kept in the solid of uranium tritide with the He/U ratio of 0.177-0.201.


