
    Ab Initio Study on the Mechanism of Hydrogen Exchange Reaction Between H2O and Hydroxyl of (CH3)3SiOH

    • 摘要: 以(CH3)3SiOH羟基模拟Li4SiO4陶瓷表面羟基,研究了H2O与(CH3)3SiOH羟基H的氢交换反应机理。采用HF,MP2方法,在3-21G和6-311G++** 水平上优化了(CH3)3SiOH,H2O, (CH3)3SiOH—H2O复合物及氢交换反应过渡态的结构。计算了生成(CH3)3SiOH—H2O复合物的反应热,探讨了氢交换反应的路径。结果表明,可以形成2种形式的(CH3)3SiOH—H2O复合物,一种是H2O的O原子与(CH3)3SiOH羟基的H原子作用形成的复合物,另一种是H2O的H原子与(CH3)3SiOH羟基的O原子作用形成的复合物。MP2/6-311G++** 水平上,对基组重叠能(BSSE)进行校正后,上述2种复合物的反应热分别为20.046 5 kJ/mol和21.630 7 kJ/mol。有利的氢交换反应路径为:H2O的H原子与(CH3)3SiOH羟基的O原子作用形成的复合物,然后H2O提供1个H原子、1个O原子,(CH3)3SiOH提供1个O原子、1个Si原子形成由O, H, O, Si 4个原子构成的四元环过渡态,最后H2O的O原子与(CH3)3SiOH 的Si原子成键形成新的(CH3)3SiOH,而(CH3)3SiOH的Si-O键断裂,由(CH3)3SiOH的羟基和H2O的1个H原子形成新的H2O分子,MP2/6-311G++**水平上,BSSE校正后,此路径的反应活化能为186.898 4 kJ/mol。


      Abstract: The hydrogen exchange reaction mechanism between H2O and -OH of surface of Li4SiO4 ceramic has been investigated using hydroxyl of (CH3)3SiOH as a simple model of hydroxyl of surface of Li4SiO4 ceramic. The structures of (CH3)3SiOH, H2O, (CH3)3SiOH—H2O complexes and transition states of hydrogen exchange reaction have been optimized at HF/3-21G, HF/6-311G++**, and MP2/6-311G++**levels. The association energies of (CH3)3SiOH—H2O and the path of hydrogen exchange reaction have also been explored. The results show that two of associate complexes can be formed, the O of H2O interact with the H of hydroxyl of (CH3)3SiOH to form one complex and the another complex is formed by the interaction between the H of H2O and the O of hydroxyl of (CH3)3SiOH. At HF/6-311G++** and MP2/6-311G++** levels, the association energies after basis set superposition error correction of two complexes above are 18.016 1, 18.816 6, 20.046 5, 21.630 7 kJ/mol, respectively. The favorable path of hydrogen exchange reaction is as follow: first, the H of H2O interactes with the O of hydroxyl of (CH3)3SiOH to form associate complex, second, 4-membered ring transition state consisted of O, from H2O, H, from H2O, O, from (CH3)3SiOH, Si, from (CH3)3SiOH is formed, third, the formation of new O—Si bond and the break old O—H bond lead the new (CH3)3SiOH to be formed, at the same time, the new H2O is formed resulting in the rupture of old O-Si bond and the formation of new H-O bond. At HF/6-311G++** and MP2/6-311G++** level, the activation energies of this path are 232.905 3 kJ/mol and 186.898 4 kJ/mol with counterpoise correction.


