
    Methods of Measuring Quantity of Tritium Retained in Vanadium Bed

    • 摘要: 分别采用吸附解吸法、同位素交换法和溶解法测量钒床中的氚滞留量,并分析了这三种测量方法在本实验条件下的误差。吸附解吸法测量钒床的氚滞留量的结果如下:钒床的氚滞留份额为4.40%,当压力读数在1 500~133 332 Pa之间时,测量的标准差小于0.95%;同位素交换法测量钒床氚的结果如下:加热充分解吸过的钒床经多次同位素交换后,其平均交换效率为37.18%,测量的标准差为7.35%;溶解法能够彻底地测量钒床中滞留的氚,测量的标准差为6.49%。


      Abstract: The amount of tritium retained in vanadium bed was measured by methods of direct measurement, isotope-exchange and dissolution. The standard deviations of three methods were separately analysed for the present experimental conditions. The results show that the percentage of tritium residual in the vanadium bed is 4.40%, and the standard deviation of PVT measurement method is less than 0.95%, when the pressure is between 1 500 Pa and 133 332 Pa. The average efficiency of isotope-exchange is 37.18% after isotope are exchanged time after time. Its standard deviation is 7.35%. Dissolution method can measure tritium in the V-bed completely, and its standard deviation is 6.49%.


