
    Study on Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium in Soil Around a Nuclear Installation by Using INAA

    • 摘要: 采用仪器中子活化分析方法测定了从中国西南某核设施场区周边采集的150个土壤样品中的U、Th、K含量。样品在中国核动力研究院实验型反应堆活性区孔道辐照,中子积分注量为3×1017/cm2。照射后的样品在相同几何条件下用高纯锗γ射线能谱分析系统测量其γ放射性。用相对比较法,求出待测元素的含量,并用统计理论分析了对照区与异常区土壤中U、Th、K三种元素含量的相关性。结果表明,异常区和对照区的3种元素含量及Th/U比均呈负相关或相关性不强。另外,U、Th在土壤粘粒中的含量较土壤其它组分中的要高,这个趋势U比Th更加明显。


      Abstract: Soil samples collected around a nuclear installation in southwest China have been analyzed for U, Th and K using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Samples were irradiated with an integral thermal neutron flux of 3×1017/cm2 in the high flux reactor at Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu, China. The three elements have been determined from 150 samples by high-resolution gamma spectrometry. To evaluate the accuracy of analytical data, certified reference materials NIST SRM 1633a and GBW 07045 were analyzed together with unknown samples and the results were found to be in good agreement with certified values for these three elements. The results of correlation analysis for both the contents of the three elements and the Th/U ratio indicate that the nuclear field releases a little uranium to environment. Moreover, the results of size distribution indicate that the uranium and thorium contents are higher in clay than in other kinds of soil particles, especially for uranium.


