
    Extraction Technique for 7Be and 210Pb in Aerosol Samples

    • 摘要: 7Be和210Pb是HPGe γ谱仪系统效率刻度常用放射性核素。通过一系列的化学处理过程,可以将气溶胶样品中的7Be和210Pb提取转移至溶液中,用于制作效率刻度源。本工作研究了从气溶胶滤膜样品中提取7Be和210Pb的化学过程,确定了聚丙烯纤维气溶胶滤膜样品的灰化时间为5h、灰化温度为500℃。通过灰化样品的消解实验,初步建立了气溶胶样品中7Be和210Pb的消解方法,实现了对气溶胶滤膜样品中7Be和210Pb的提取。


      Abstract: Radionuclides, 7Be and 210Pb, are used to calibrate efficiency of HPGe γ spectro-meter system. It has been reported that 7Be and 210Pb in aerosol samples could be extracted and transferred into a solution for preparation of efficiency calibration source through a series of chemical processes. In the present study we investigated the chemical procedures for extraction of 7Be and 210Pb from aerosol filter samples. A muffle was used to burning aerosol filter samples to ashes, and concentrated HF, HNO3, and HClO4 were used to digest ashing sample. Then, 7Be and 210Pb in ashing sample can be extracted into the solution. The time is set to 5h for burning aerosol samples to ashes, and the temperature is 500℃. The extraction technique is shown that 7Be and 210Pb in 0.42 g ashing samples can be extracted into the solution completely by digesting more than 5 times.


