
    Marine Radioactivity Monitoring Technology—Present and Future

    • 摘要: 海洋放射性监测是测定海洋中的放射性核素,围绕采样—制样—测量—数据分析这样一个过程实施。测量对象的放射性水平决定了所能利用的仪器设备、采样量、采样方法和制样方法。海洋的放射性是低水平或极低水平的,所以低本底测量仪器和大体积采样是海洋放射性监测的主要特点。有2条途径解决目前存在的大体积采样和样品处理的困难。一种是发展自动采样和制样系统,单核素快速富集可能是可行的技术路线。另一种是发展质谱学方法,特别是加速器质谱学方法,可以成十倍或百倍地减小样品需要量,可以极大地减小采样和制样工作的困难。浮标技术结合现代通信方法可能是核工厂和核电厂环境监测的自动化方法。走航测量可能是核事故后高放射性水团追踪的有效方法。这2种技术都是海洋放射性监测有待发展的技术,或等待填补的空白。


      Abstract: Radioactivity measurement of ocean determines the concentrations of radionuclides in ocean, which is performed through following sequentially sampling, preparing, measuring, and data analysis. The measuring apparatus, quantity of sample collected, preparation procedure are selected according to radioactivity level in the sample. Because the radioactivity concentrations in the oceans are in low level or very low level, the instruments of low background have to be used and large bulk sample would be collected, up to now, which still are the limitations of radioactivity measurement of ocean. In order to overcome above difficulties, two techniques would be developed among which one is automatic and rapid apparatus and procedure of collecting and preparing sample, perhaps only one nuclide is enriched and prepared for counting; another is mass spectrometry, especially accelerator mass spectrometry which need small sample about tenth or hundredths of that by counting method. The floating counting system combined with mobile communication may be the future measuring method for operation monitor of nuclear factory and nuclear power plant. Underway counting apparatus will be effective technique for tracing water mass contaminated by radioactivity after nuclear accident. Floating counting system and underway counting apparatus are the blanks which will be filled in the future.


