
    A Method to Determine 99Tc in Soils Using TEVA Resin

    • 摘要: 针对土壤中99Tc的分析,以TEVA树脂萃取色层为主要分离纯化手段,以液闪谱仪为放射性测量手段,建立了一个简便快速的分析方法。方法全流程对模拟土壤样品中99Tc的化学收率大于90%,对常见的沾污核素137Cs、90Sr-90Y及天然铀均有较高的去污因子。样品量为10 g、液闪测量时间为1h时,方法的最小可探测浓度为3.5 mBq/g,可以满足大多数环境样品分析的需要。


      Abstract: In this study, a chemical procedure for the routine determination of 99Tc in soils has been developed. The soil samples are leached with 1 mol/L nitric acid and separated using TEVA resin prior to liquid scintillation counting. Each sample was analyzed with and without a 99Tc spike to determine chemical recovery. The chemical recovery of the method is greater than 90%. With the quantity 10 g and counting time 1 h, the minimum detectable concentration is 3.5 mBq/g. The presence of 137Cs, 90Sr-90Y and natural uranium doesn’t interfere with the procedure.


